Long resultGamesPercent
All Games180,286100 %
White wins by losing all material 53,39029.6 %
Black wins by losing all material 53,10529.5 %
Black resigns 17,3079.6 %
White resigns 16,9869.4 %
White forfeits on time 10,5935.9 %
Black forfeits on time 9,9845.5 %
White checkmated 6,7523.7 %
Black checkmated 5,5813.1 %
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1,8321 %
Black wins by stalemate 1,0440.6 %
White wins by stalemate 1,0290.6 %
White forfeits by disconnection 9980.6 %
Black forfeits by disconnection 9240.5 %
Game drawn by repetition 5720.3 %
Game drawn by the 50 move rule 1200.1 %
Game drawn because both players ran out of time 360 %
White wins by adjudication 150 %
Black wins by adjudication 140 %
Game drawn due to length 30 %
Game drawn by adjudication 10 %
Created on 2024-09-15 04:04:02 FICS server time