Long resultGamesPercent
All Games197,915,971100 %
Black resigns 48,617,41624.6 %
White resigns 45,628,80223.1 %
Black forfeits on time 24,404,83912.3 %
White forfeits on time 24,027,81212.1 %
Black checkmated 22,517,75211.4 %
White checkmated 19,985,31710.1 %
Game drawn by repetition 2,253,7271.1 %
Black forfeits by disconnection 2,103,3731.1 %
White forfeits by disconnection 2,055,7271 %
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1,580,1920.8 %
Neither player has mating material 1,355,6500.7 %
Game drawn by stalemate 930,9020.5 %
Black ran out of time and White has no material to mate 888,7530.4 %
White ran out of time and Black has no material to mate 872,5230.4 %
Game drawn because both players ran out of time 296,6640.1 %
White wins by adjudication 177,3540.1 %
Black wins by adjudication 160,3980.1 %
Game drawn by the 50 move rule 54,0920 %
Game drawn by adjudication 4,3920 %
Game drawn due to length 2860 %
Created on 2024-07-15 04:03:33 FICS server time